PRIME Minister (PM) Manasseh Sogavare says despite the pandemic, he is pleased to note that work under the communication and aviation sector has progressed well.
Speaking during his weekly nationwide address yesterday, Sogavare said in relation to the Honiara Airport Improvement project, the targets for this year include, building a new taxiway and repairing the old one, build the new departure terminal, expand and repair the airport apron, and refurbishment of the current international terminal, in which two thirds will be the repair of the domestic terminal.
Sogavare said in terms of its progress, mobilization has been completed with the access and gravel extraction agreement completed as well as work is also underway in bringing in the Japanese engineers for the airport project next month, October 2020.
“In terms of the Solomon Islands Road and Aviation Project (SIRAP), designs have been completed and all project component designs are now into its final stages.
“The infrastructure component under this project also includes the Fiu Bridge, sealing of Auki town roads and maintenance on main roads,” he added.
He said in regards to Munda airport, design for the overlays to runway, new terminal and new tower have also been completed.
Moreover, he said the Provincial Airports Upgrade project under the National Government and New Zealand is also progressing well.
“Complete design & Procure works for Seghe airport upgrade and prepare Taro airport upgrade is expected to be completed this year,” he said.
Sogavare said the government’s contribution of $21 million has been deposited to the project account.
Assessment of new airports and upgrade of pavement & terminals to priority provincial airports is also ongoing with visits already undertaken and completed in Avu Avu, Babanikira, Yandina, and Barakoma.
Newsroom, Honiara