Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo is attending the Oceania 21 meetings of heads of state and territories of the Pacific region in Noumea, New Caledonia.
It is being hosted by the Government and the Customary Senate of the Indigenous Kanaky People of New Caledonia.
A statement from the Prime Ministers Office said the event was marked with a welcome ceremony conducted by the Customary Senate in the House of Chiefs of New Caledonia on Sunday morning.
In this event, all heads of states and territories were welcomed and Solomon Island Prime Minister took the responsibility to speak on behalf of all delegates to acknowledge the respect and recognition that has been accorded by the customary Senate in accepting the leaders and members of their delegations to New Caledonia.
He emphasized the significance the Customary Senate played to promote sustainable development in the pacific and the efforts to mitigate climate change.
Prime Minister Lilo noted that this is an initiative that is more inclusive for all regions of Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia, especially the French protected states and territories.
In his remarks, Prime Minister Lilo paid tribute to the ancestoral custodian over the whole of the Indigenous Kanaky in New Caledonia.
The meeting on Sunday was a prelude to the opening of the Oceania 21st Meeting today in which Prime Minister Lilo will deliver his statement.