Dear Editor – I was really adamant about the issue of the payment to the ex-militants.
As a citizen of this country, I have a lot of questions concerning this matter.
In some fractions, I was really confused and see this matter just as politically motivated.
The Prime Minister used this avenue to sustain his leadership style as seen in his statements.
And as seen from the headlines, he described Dr Sikua a frustrated man.
Obviously Sikua is not a frustrated man, he is trying to ask genuine question on behalf of the ordinary people.
The Prime Minister needs to listen to the people; we the people did not even accept such payment, it was simply ridiculous.
Let me asked these questions.
(1)Where did the money come from?
(2) Was the payment made based on the Townsville agreement?
(3) What do you mean by rehabilitating former militants?
(4) Are you ready to pay for the two parties or even those who lost their properties as well?
(5) Why these former militants?
(6) What did the ex-militants did during the ethnic tension to deserve the huge payout?
(7) Did the people agree for taxpayers’ money to be use this way?
Therefore, I asked the Prime Minister to listen to the people, because after all you are there to serve and not to dictate.
Alden Ado