DURING the Tourism roundtable discussions at the World Government Summit (WGS) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele highlighted Solomon Islands Government’s vision and 2035 goals on tourism to world leaders in attendance.
PM Manele announced this at a press conference on Sunday upon his return from the WGS.
“In my remarks at the Tourism round table, I shared the government’s vision for tourism for the coming decades to foster a model of tourism that ensures environment sustainability, cultural preservation and also highlighted our 2035 goals.”
The 2035 goals include increasing visitor arrivals to 100,000 per annum, boosting of the tourism sector’s contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), increasing employment opportunities for local Solomon Islanders in the tourism sector, expansion and improvement of quality room inventory and building a highly trained and skilled tourism workforce.
PM Manele said he highlighted that to achieve these targets, the Solomon Islands Government has prioritised six pillars of interventions.
These six pillars are investment in infrastructure and connectivity, sustainable tourism development, destination marketing and promotion, regulatory and policy reforms, public-private partnerships and international collaboration and invitation of global partnerships and investments.
Solomon Star, Honiara