More events start this week
AS the country is about to go for a week-long national healing and apology programme this week, the national Security of the country Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has appealed to everyone to support the celebration.
Deputy commissioner operation, Garial Manelusi said that churches especially need to support this celebration in their prayers.
“Police Commissioner/RSIPF Executive wish to thank Churches for accepting police to relay this message,” Manelusi said.
“We RSIPF family wish to acknowledge the churches and individual Christians for your prayers and we continue ask you the same support in praying for RSIPF and appeal for close cooperation so that we together work to improve the safety, peaceful environment of our Capital City of Honiara and the whole Solomon Islands.”
He said that the purpose of police key messages to churches is to inform everyone of the upcoming major events commencing 30 June – 17 July 2016.
Mr Manelusi said that those events are the – National Reconciliation, healing and apology celebration of the people of Solomon Islands from 30 June – 6 July 2016, Independence Celebration 7 July 2016, and Solomon Games 1 – 16 July 2016, Pacific Islands Development Forum Leaders Meeting 11 – 15 July 2016 at Honiara.
“The global community around the world is watching Solomon Islands during this period. National Police, the RSIPF is appeal for public cooperation and support to those events.”
For the National Reconciliation, healing and apology program commencing 30 June 2016, RSIPF appeal to general public to listen carefully to the intention of the whole program.
He said that the RSIPF believe that this is the beginning of historical truth; justice, rehabilitation and national healing of Solomon Islands following the TRC report.
Police wish to clarify the rumours that had causes fear to general public, appear in the news paper and this rumours going around the city and the provinces.
Police Commissioner has made it clear to the public that there is no truth on it believing to be propaganda on the whole issue.
He added that Police is taking a strong measure of investigating the rumours if you have any information to support police you contact mobile number 7429161.
He said that Police Appeal for calm and support in policing and do observe the spirit of games as the Solomon Games commencing 1 – 16 July 2016 with different sports, All Provinces will attend.
Mr Manelusi added that there is also the Pacific Islands Development Forum Leaders Meeting in Honiara – commence 11 -15 July 2016, Police also appeal for public cooperation to this event.
“So that we show to the world that Solomon Islands is a safe and peaceful country.”
RSIPF appeals to all stakeholders to support implement the Crime Prevention Strategy as well.
Crime prevention cannot be tackled by government alone, or by one sector of government alone like the Ministry of Police National Security – RSIPF.
It requires an integrated, multiagency approach where all relevant sectors view crime prevention as a shared responsibility and collective priority.
Mr Manelusi said to increase expenditure to meet the true cost of policing in Solomon Islands on SECURITY and POLICING is not possible. So we try to develop more integrated approach to stakeholders in this Crime Prevention Model.
“Developing effective prevention strategies requires the identification and analysis of the range of factors that give rise to each Primary responsibilities for the implementation of the strategy rests with All Sectors that formed the National Crime Prevention Board, then setting in the Provincial level – formed the Provincial Crime Prevention Council Chaired by the Provincial Police Commander and then the Ward Crime Prevention Committee and this is depend entirely how each ward intend to form his Crime Prevention Committee.”
He added that consultation with NGO’s is paramount important as well the RSIPF is work closely with World Vision and other NGO’s to continue market out information and also conduct training to RSIPF members and Leaders in the communities and churches.
The Crime Prevention Strategy represents a turning point in the battle against crime. This strategy is a truly Solomon Islands product, which is rooted in the reality of our society. For it to fully succeed it requires the support of all Solomon Islanders who no longer wish to be victims or to live in fear.
The Crime Prevention strategy is based on the view that we need to build a new society in the drawdown of the RAMSI, rather than simply normalize something which was never normal. The size of the challenge should not be under – estimated. It requires commitment, clarity of vision and leadership from within all stakeholders and participation by NGO’s .