POLICE are confident the country will enjoy another peaceful election within the coming weeks when the new Prime Minister is elected.
This came after security concerns were raised as MPs converged in Honiara to elect a new prime minister.
This is because in the past, many of the riots and public disorders were results of people’s disagreement with both the formation of government and also the election of the Prime Minister.
However, Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast said that the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are confident of another peaceful election.
“We have enjoyed the recently conducted and very successful National General Elections (NGE) and are waiting for the 50 MP’s to form the new government and elect the new Prime Minister of Solomon Islands.
“We believe that like the general elections, the Prime Minister’s election will also be a peaceful one, however that cannot be achieved without the cooperation and understanding between our leaders, the Police and the general public as a whole,” Mr Prendergast said.
He also added that Police are continuing to help educate people of the democratic system of governance Solomon Islands is currently functioning on, adding that it is a need that people are fully aware of democracy in Solomon Islands.
“Our main concern is for people to be made aware and understand the election process and the democracy system of governance Solomon Islands uses.
“Because then and only then can we have smooth election processes like we have recently had.
“He said that his Police Officers are working and engaging communities in providing these kinds of awareness with the aim of achieving clean and corruption free elections,” Mr Prendergast said.
He also added that police are well prepared to counter any problems that may arise during and after the formation of government and the election of the prime minister.