THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Participating Police Force (PPF) will be commemorating Blue Ribbon day today.
This is to remember fallen comrades who lost their lives in the line of duty around the world, and those who placed their lives for the course of freedom and peace for all.
“This important occasion will be attended by government officials and special guests including foreign nationals in the country early tomorrow at Rove Police headquarters area,” a statement from the police said.
“We urge members of the public particularly motor vehicle drivers to cooperate and patient with the police traffic officers, as they will be manning the main roads from 5am to 8am in front of the Police headquarters for the smooth flow and safety of all road users,” the statement said.
Police to hold talks with community
THE RSIPF National Community Policing team will be conducting an education awareness talkwith membersof the Kakabona and Koltoha villagers, on Sunday.
“This is an ongoing community service to the local people from the RSIPF community policing unit, as it continuous to counteract the steady increase of family domestic violence at homes in the area,” a statement from the police said.
“The open public meeting will hosts special guests from RSIPF, PPF, Seif Place representative, Ministry of Women, Youth and Family affairs as well as local chiefs and villagers,” the statement added.
“The meeting discussion issues will include, police new crime prevention strategy approach, gender equality and victim referrals.
“Following the death of a women earlier this month at the community, police are keen on embarking on strategy approaches to help reduce or prevent anymore death as such that have affected a local family in the society.
“Members of the public are strongly urge to attend this awareness meeting from the RSIPF community policing team, as it will help parents and the people as whole, from any further domestic violence in their homes.”
Police begin operation ‘Van visit’
POLICE have started off with its operation Vanvisit in conjunction with the visit of the Republic of Vanuatu President, H. E. Baldwin Lonsdale, who is in the country this weekend for the launching of the USP opening.
Police will be conducting visible patrols and public presence in town and the traffic control will also be tightening up on frontline to the visit delegation appointment sites.
Police is calling upon the general public to go on with their daily business but urge cooperation, especially those behind wheels to cooperate during police motorcade along our main roads.
The operation will run starting today and overlaps the returning of the Vanuatu president.
Police can be contacted through the police communication centre on phone: 23666 or 999.