The Honiara city police have responded to 62 reports and arrested 35 suspects around Honiara areas over the weekend. Police made the arrests in relation to offences of, drunk and disorderly, consuming liquor in public places, threatening violence, domestic violence, theft, house break-in and traffic accident.
Police recovered stolen properties
Police at Guadalcanal have recovered stolen items at Gold Ridge Tinahulu police station over the weekend. These properties were removed following a break-in last week by intruders. Police made a quick response to investigate and retrieved these items and arrested one male suspect. Investigation continues.
Man died during hit and run
A 26 year-old man from Malaita province was fatally injured, when a car hit him while crossing the Ranadi main road with his wife on Saturday evening. Police alleged the car hit the deceased from a west-ward direction and continue on. The deceased was quickly rushed to the National Referral Hospital, but he was pronounced dead by medical authorities. Police are calling on any eye witness during those hours, at about 7pm opposite the OBBA Store at Ranadi to come forward and assist police investigation.
Police can be contacted through phone 23666 or 999.
– Police Media