THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has recorded an increase in family domestic violence around the country.
Statistics showed more than 400 cases were recorded in 2014.
From January to August this year, the cases have increased to more than 500, the police media unit said.
“These statistics come as a result of the RSIPF National Community policing Unit continuous community awareness talk and education program since January 2015,” the unit said.
The revelations come as Guadalcanal police charged one man in his 40s in relation to the death of a 30 year old woman.
The man allegedly bashed up his wife on Father’s Day. The woman died three days later at the National Referral Hospital.
Police investigations found the deceased was at home preparing dinner for the family when the husband showed up and called her into their room, where he brutally bashed her up.
The woman laid unconsciousness in a pool of blood.
She was only awoken to the noise of her children crying when they tried to wake her up.
The mother was quickly rushed to the National referral Hospital by relatives, but died three days later.
The husband has been charged with murder.
The following weekend, police said they also attended two more cases of serious injuries at Kakabona community, where two women were attacked by their husbands, leaving one with a broken forearm and the other with internal bleeding on her chest.
Police are continuing to investigate the report and urge public assistance to the incident.
Police urge members of the public, particularly women who may have been victims within their homes, to speak up and save others by calling police communication on phone: 999 or 23666.