Disturbances and disorderly behaviour continue top police list last week again as of Monday 4 August to yesterday Sunday 10 Aug 2014.
As the Acting Assistant Commissioner for national capital Gabriel Manelusi he said he was concern with such behaviour.
“I’m very concern about the continue of this behaviour the previous week which recorded 31 and last week recorded 25, a decrease of 6 but it still top the list during the week.
The total calls police compol communication recorded 77 callslast week.
The previous week there were 98 calls, which is a decrease of 21 calls.
Disturbances and disorderly behaviour recorded 25 calls during the week.
Family Violence recorded 10 calls and which came second, theft and demanding recorded 8 calls and being the third highest, traffic offences and assault recorded 6 calls each being fourth highest for last week.
Mr Manelusi highlighted the 25 calls recorded from disturbance and disorderly behaviour during the week and those calls came from the following areas within Honiara and Weather coast of Guadalcanal, Rove sea front, Bahai Barack shop, Vura 3, Naha 2, Kukum, KG area, Marine school, Tasahe, Girl guide area, Lengakiki, green valley, FOPA area, Choviri, Top ten night club, Skyline, Ranadi (Lee Kwok Kwen area).
Recorded high disturbances was Rove Sea front, Bahai area, Vura 3, Lengakiki, Top ten night club and kakabona.
Second during the week was family violence recorded 8 calls come from the following areas Tasahe B, Mbokona area, White River, Kakabona and GPPOL area.
“This calls are recorded in which the husband return home and destroy the family property, assault the wife and children. A very sad story for our children and family if we like to rebuild our country Solomon Islands. These matters are recorded from police and few a strongly warned by police.
“I strongly remind husband to be more responsible if we like to shape of rebuilding our country, I must remind us our mandate as a father as stipulated under the National Children’s Policy that our Mission, vision and principles values that we must ‘Protect and develop the interests and rights of our children regardless of age, gender, religion, ethnicity or cultural background. Ensure that these rights are acknowledged and promoted and that children grow into responsible citizens.
“Our vision is to continually investing in our children, we enjoy a peaceful and rewarding present, and a future that can sustain the welfare and wellbeing of future generation.”
Third during the week are theft and demanding recorded 8 calls from the following locations Vura, FOPA, Skyline and Maromaro including traffic offences recorded 5 occurred at the following venue, White River and Central Market.
“Be reminded our road users and pedestrian since Central market bus stop cause a lot of traffic due to public bus drivers are driving carelessly without concentration and also pedestrian attitude is very careless and ignorance to traffic rules. We all used the public road so we must all follow the rules.”
Third during the week as well was property offences recorded 5 calls occurred at White River, Panatina area, Lengakiki and Veravao settlement.
Fourth is burglary recorded 2 for attempted breaking during night at Solrice, Ranadi and Vura height and 1 has been arrested for attempted breaking at Vura height.
“To rebuild our country I appeal to security firms to continue alert during the night to continue prevent committing of an offences and every one to take responsible.
“I appeal to stakeholders within the Honiara City Council, Churches, community and council members of HCC to deal with this issues in a more strategically way with the police to reduce such behaviour. I will continue report our attitude and behaviour every week.”