THE South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) pastor and president of Solomon Islands Christian Endeavor union in the country, Pr Derek Pongi says raising young Christians to grow mature is very fundamental for every church leader.
He said it is important that church leaders must help young Christians in their churches because they are very important and leaders must take the role.
“You know new born again Christians need our help in order to grow and we must be there for them to assist them as they walk along the way with the help of our God,” Pr Pongi said.
“Let us not watch while the young Christians are struggling with life but let us be helpful to them to make them move on with life in Christ,” Pr Pongi said.
Pr Pongi added that he wants share this so that leaders must perform their duties to raise more young Christians in the churches.
He said that everyone who attended the Pacific Endeavor convention at the Honiara Central Church last week that priorities this goal have really enjoyed the teaching about raising the young Christians.
Christian Endeavor is a movement which reaches out to the young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, disciplining them in the Christian faith and equipping them to serve in the church, community and world.