… Leads to ethnic turmoil many years ago
THE recent ethnic crisis is the result of poor management in our country’s affairs says Anglican Church of Melanesia Archbishop George Takeli.
In his sermon during the RAMSI Thanks-giving Service at Maranatha Hall, East Honiara yesterday, Archbishop Takeli said poor management in this country is an immoral issue.
“Since independence, we have not been able to uphold this vision and goals aforementioned in the national anthem-joy, peace, progress and prosperity for our nation.
“My past doctoral research on peace and reconciliation in our country has led me to references made by prominent leaders in our country from independence giving reasons for the recent crisis is poor management,” Most Reverend Takeli said.
He remarked that poor management in the country was also re-echoed more loudly during last week’s peace dialogue.
“..and clarified as being truly visible through a dangerous culture of corruption which is rampant in our nation killing many administrations and causing governance in our nation,” he said.
Archbishop Takeli’s theme in the sermon is ‘Transforming vision; towards building joy, peace, progress and prosperity in Solomon Islands.’
He emphasized on peace building as the way forward drawing lessons from the book of Joshua in the Old Testament.