UP to fifty women within North Guadalcanal Constituency will soon receive their poultry projects.
Minister and Member of Parliament for North Guadalcanal Constituency, Samson Maneka revealed this to Solomon Star in a short interview on Tuesday.
“The women here are very vocal and struggling ones,” Mr Maneka said.
He added that their poultry projects have been approved and very shortly the constituency will distribute it to them.
“I want to congratulate those women for that and yes the constituency will continue to work with women here.”
He said that women here are hard working and the constituency wants to assist them to improve in their economic activities.
Mr Maneka said that these women have applied for the projects.
He said apart from poultry projects, the constituency is looking at empowering the women in sewing of clothes, dying of clothes and other things that the women are engaging in with in the communities.
“We will be running workshops for them.”
Mr Maneka said that women are the very important people in the family and communities therefore they need to be empowered.