The Provincial Police Commander (PPC) for Malaita Province Stanley Riolo urge the Malaita public to do the right thing and stay away from criminal activities relating to politics.
PPC Riolo made the appeal in the light of the current political situation in Malaita Province where some supported the MARA government and others supported the Malaita MPs with the national government.
The PPC said the political situation is obvious because if it is not handled properly people are most likely to commit a crime to try to prove their point supporting either side.
“I call on my good people of Malaita not to allow politics to get the better of you to a point that you have to commit a crime to prove your point and support.
“Let politicians do their job and don’t take laws in your own hands because the law is there to guide us,” he cautioned.
The PPC said there are proper channels to follow and calls on the public to do the right thing by staying away from politically related issues which would force one to commit a crime.
The Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani made a similar call last week for the Malaita public to get along with their daily lives and leave politics for politicians to deal with politics.
Auki News Bureau