Dear Editor – We refer to the Solomon Star issue in which Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke made comments in relation to the recent brawl in the Windy Ridge area.
We have the victims have seen that Veke’s response to the claim was not the type of quality leader that Guadalcanal citizen need in today’s world.
The claim was submitted to his office that his government need to think about it, his government should facilitate and coordinate because his office is the legitimate body to oversee and discuss issues for Guadalcanal people before making his statement in the media.
Victims also questions who is the legitimate body in the province that looks after any situation like this.
Quoted in his media statement that the causes of the incident was LAND ISSUES was not true. The cause of the incident on the 16th April 2016 was about SWEARING.
In 2014, the logging road access was built by Asian logging company that went through Windy Ridge community.
Since the road was completed some youths from Malango under the influence of liquor when passing through Windy Ridge communities, normally shout and swear at Tasimauri and Doku people living in and around Windy Ridge area.
On 16th April 2016 at about 8pm to 10pm more than 10 youths under the influence of liquor walked past the community and shouted abuse at the community
Somebody from Windy Ridge then retaliated, and confronted them.
What has been expressed by the premier of Guadalcanal was not true in the recent incident.
The premier had referred to people living in and around Wind Ridge area are illegal settlers.
How can Guadalcanal people be illegal settlers in their own land? Can Veke define the word illegal settlers?
What can he say about people that are illegally settling in and around Lunga Tenaru land, are they not illegal settlers?
Windy Ridge people are Guadalcanal citizens and we are not foreigners; one cannot deny our indigenous rights.
So premier stop misleading the public about your false statements, do more research on the problem before going to the media.
Windy Ridge community