AS Guadalcanal is one of the fastest growing provinces in terms of population, planning is important, Guadalcanal premier Anthony Veke said.
Speaking during the province’s commemoration of her second appointed day last Friday, Mr Veke said the province’s population now stands at about 90,000.
“As such, the burden now is on the provincial government to focus on how it can deal with the growing population.
“The need to build more schools and clinics to serve our people is becoming more necessary than before, and at the same time it is equally important that services are maintained and sustain.”
Mr Veke said the population boom in Guadalcanal is an important factor in determining resource allocation and service delivery.
“The capacity of the provincial government continues to be challenged,” he said.
Premier Veke stressed that Guadalcanal has the highest illiteracy rate in Solomon Islands according to UNDP report in 2006.
“And one of the least developed province with the highest percent of likelihood to experienced poverty,” he said.
He pointed out this is indeed a surprising revelation of Guadalcanal’s factual situation.
“This may seem out dated but it is an important piece of information for both the provincial and central government as they are responsible to ensure better living for our people.”
He said the challenge before any upcoming government of Guadalcanal province is to change the above scenario.
“Changing the above Guadalcanal scenario is the responsibility for all of us, the government and the people of Guadalcanal.
The Guadalcanal provincial government has to strategically and systematically plan for positive change in Guadalcanal.