Reaching out to communities in dialogue is the way forward as Malaita Province is searching for a common rhythm drive the province forward in development.
Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani is doing exactly that as he visited more communities in his native province through dialogue to ensure people are enlighten about Provincial Government plans for the province.
Premier Suidani told this paper dialogue is important where he said it help clear the air between the Provincial Government and the rural people who voted them into power to serve them as their mandated leaders.
The outspoken Premier said,” When the message is clear people do things accordingly,” where he said this is what he is actually doing which is reaching out to the communities and hear their voices.
Since taking office in July last year, the Malaita Premier visited a number of communities to carry out awareness talks and interacting with resources owners to find a common way forward to develop Malaita.
One of the hot topics that discussed during the meetings are the desire of the Malaitans to see the province to become an Autonomy in the future.
On Sunday, Premier Suidani and M4D continue to break the communication barriers between the communities in Malaita and the Provincial Government by conducting an awareness talk at Kwainaketo community in Central Kwara’ae.
Kwainaketo is the latest community the Premier and M4D visited for awareness talks after similar talks being held at Gwounawa in West Kwara’ae last month and other parts of the province since 2019.
In Auki