IN a heartfelt ceremony on Kennedy Island in the Western Province, the United States Ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of former US President, John F. Kennedy, paid tribute to her late father and the local brave scouts who saved him decades ago.
The event commenced with a solemn speech by Western Province Premier, Billy Veo, who expressed his gratitude for the contributions of the Kennedy family to the United States and the world.
The ceremony was held yesterday.
US diplomats from Australia, New Zealand and China, Australian High Commissioner, Prime Minister’s Office representatives, Opposition leader and other top officials, Western Provincial Government (WPG), invited guests and other locals have joined the Kennedy’s 80 Anniversary at the Kennedy Island in Western Province.
Speaking at the event Premier Veo said, “Today we are gathered here to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the sinking and rescue of the United States Patrol Boat PT109 – one of the well-known stories of leadership, heroism, sacrifice, courage and determination and which happened right here.
“This event is special and significant in that today as Premier and head of the Western Provincial Government, I am truly honored and privileged to welcome Caroline Kennedy, the United States Ambassador to Australia, and daughter of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, to Western Province and to this special event in commemorating her father’s war time feats here in the Western Solomons.
“According to stories, PT109 commandeered by a young Lieutenant John F. Kennedy, was amongst other Patrol Torpedo boats operating out of their base at Rendova.”
Premier Veo said he would also like to pay tribute to the ongoing cordial relations between Solomon Islands and the United States of America, forged especially during the Second Ward War and remains until present.

‘’Such personal stories and experiences like the PT109 incident, I believe plays a huge role in maintaining these relations, given the personal affinity and ‘what might have been’ context of the situation then.
‘’The recent re-opening of the United States Embassy in Honiara this year is therefore seen as a continuation of this rich legacy between the Solomon Islands and the United States of America.
‘’Something which we will always cherish. As leaders and as decision makers, we can learn a thing or two from this harrowing experience of the crew of PT109 and their Commander Lieutenant John F. Kennedy.
‘’This leadership quality perhaps is best epitomised in John F. Kennedy’s famous inaugural address in 1961 on becoming the 35th President of the United States of America during which he uttered the famous quote “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,’’ Veo underscored.
Member of the Parliarment for Gizo-Kolombangara and Minister for Education and Human Resource Development, Lanelle Tanganda said, “ The event is made extra special as we joined by the Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, the first child of and daughter of JF Kennedy who is now serving as the Ambassador of the United States of America to Australia and her son, Jack Scholossberg, at this very place where their father and grandfather once fought and got involved in the tragic incident which took the lives of two of his fellow servicemen.”
“The visit made by the family of JF Kennedy to the actual site of the incident is indeed a very significant moment and also a historic one for this country, one that will strengthen and perpetuate the bond between Solomon Islands and the Kennedy family and the US Government,” Mrs Tanangada added.
Wreaths were placed at sea to pay tribute to John F. Kennedy in honour of his service. The commemoration event took an unexpected turn as Ambassador Kennedy and her son paddled a traditional wooden canoe from Olasana Island to Kennedy Island.
Solomon Star, Gizo