Dear Editor – “How best could energetic Solomon Islanders men and women, boys and girls on gender balance” address pressing national issues?
It is always my prayer and hope, that in order to shoulder this nation ahead, we need to be more careful, generous and responsible citizens, right across this diverse scattered isle of the Solomons.
Of course, we had economic and uneconomical zones in some parts of our provinces that we still had enough rooms to reflect on the Bible stories of the “good Samaritan”, rich man and Lazarus.
In Psalm 24: verse 1 and I quote: “The earth is the Lord’s and that is it: the world and all the people that live in it.”
These islands are so mix in race; colour, qualifications, cultures and traditions with Christian values and ethics of doctrines. Thus politics alone is not enough at all.
The mass media both print and air reminding all of us regarding demanding pressing national issues that may at risk only if we forget God and follow negative ideas.
Where there is need the government must decide on suitable projects that people generate incomes into their homes.
There were others looking at money matters alone beyond what land use development itself could provide to earn better standard of living.
We all understand the virus of migration and employment that appears to be the main source of trying to invest carefully and widely that people need to work extra harder sustainably on land use development.
Again this nation must be seen as industrious, economical, and more generous in mind when God-given resources are shared and distributed according to the will of the good Lord.
Again Melanesians enjoy the blessings of sharing and caring.
Solomon Islands is only an island nation that we don’t need to enter into large scale development to destroy our God-given natural resources both the land and sea.
Sustainable development approach is the way forward to development. Some parts of these scattered chain of islands and create an avenue to control and minimise migration and employment.
Those who are blessed with lands must love God and love their neighours as they love themselves.
Together as one we could manage the natural resources that were already running down.
It was my sincere view that it is not right and proper to enter into large scale logging operations and abuse the blessings of sustainable development.
Above all it is not the question of poverty that is; but poor management of our natural resources and traditional values and principles of Christian ethics.
Matt. N. Waifo
Marovo Lagoon