Permanent Secretary (PS) for the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT) Harry Kuma urged public and government officers to report cases of fraud within government ministries, so that we get rid of corrupt officers.
Speaking to the Solomon Star in an exclusive interview Kuma said anyone who has any knowledge of public officers manipulating the system to defraud government fund must report it to his office, with evidences so that the matter could be dealt with.
PS was speaking after he was informed about an ongoing case of a former female officer working for the Ministry which was heard in court, after she allegedly stole more than SBD$20,000 during her time with the ministry.
Mr Kuma said the matter is still before the court but he warned public servants to be careful in their work when dealing with money, seeing that the government system and regulations have been improve to crack down on white collar criminals, who defraud public fund.
Kuma added two officers were terminated last year and they are currently working on some cases this year to discipline some more staff.
He revealed that the relocation to the new building has helped a lot in controlling people moving in and out of the office, which sometimes influences staff inside to do filthy things.
He added that since there are improvements in the system it really helps a lot to do investigations on the use of public funds, to ensure money disbursed for the right purpose.