THE increasing trend of rape cases and related cases in the country is growing at an alarming rate, Seif Ples records reveal.
Seif Ples data showed some 133 rape cases were reported between January and April this year alone.
Although cases reported to police were minimal, most cases of this nature were reported to Seif Ples.
This means rape related cases were under reported to police or that people prefer remedy instead of retribution.
Seif Ples offers assistance to people who have suffered from intimate partner violence or domestic violence, sexual violence, family violence or child abuse.
Police only recorded 13 reported cases from January to March this year.
The Seif Ples reported cases were said to have been verified by a medical doctor who deals specifically with rape cases.
The doctor who deals with rape victims told the Sunday Star on anonymity that the trend is alarming.
“These are recorded cases, and there are lots out there not reported; an alarming trend.
“Whilst we appreciate the efforts to help the victims, it is also equally important the perpetrators must face the full force of law by reporting such cases to police.
“A way forward to curb this problem in order to prevent people from re-offending and or send a message to would-be offenders is to ensure offenders face justice.
He highlighted that of those he attended to; the youngest was a five-year-old child.
“It was sad and simply sickening. People with five-year-old kids, that was what happened to this poor child, therefore let us all make it our business to put a stop to it.
He said the figures were just a tip of an ice-berg. Many victims are ashamed of coming forward so there is fear amongst some victims that is protecting these senseless offenders to walk free.
“Fear of reporting cases could be culturally related therefore a barrier which must be oversome.”
Seif Pleis Coordinator, Kim Abbey shared similar sentiment stressing the importance of effective awareness right down to the rural communities.
“Most cases are recorded within Honiara, especially during peak of party events.”
She said it is important that cases are reported to both Seif Ples and police so that appropriate steps are taken to punish offenders.
Last week, the United Nation Special Representative to the General Secretary Martha Santos Pais visited the country urging the government to scale up the fight against all forms of violence against children.
“It’s time to scale up,” Ms. Pais urged the government.
“Issues affecting children must not be ignored or left diluted by other government priorities.”
She acknowledge the review of the Penal Code on sexually offences and the passing of the Child and Family Protection bill this year as stepping stone towards government’s full commitment to the convention of child protection.