BAD weather and transport difficulties have been the main reason why the Ministry of Fisheries and Marines Resources (MFMR) has extended the harvesting period for sea cucumber (beche-de-mer) for a further one month.
The Ministry informed the public about the extension of the harvesting period by a month til Mayt 1st.
Speaking to the Solomon Star yesterday, a Ministry spokesperson said because of bad weather and shipping difficult rural fisher’s face during the opening period there is a need to extend the harvesting period.
“The ministry has received many requests from the public especially rural sea cucumber fishers for an extension because of the bad weather and shipping difficulties.”
Therefore the Minister responsible has further extended the harvesting period, the officer said.
All current export license holders are being advised to take note that application for extension of export license for beche-der-mer products can be secured from Ministry of Fisheries and Processing License application must be made to respective provincial executive, with processing to be permitted only within respective provinces.