Dear Editor – Thank you in advance for the space in your column for me to voice out my disappointment and sadness at leaders of Renbel province who are behaving like kids.
I’m mostly unhappy with MPA for Ward 10 Kusol Puagogo Tepuku for physically assaulting our MPA Alfred Noapai on Friday night at Tahanuku village.
Is this the way leaders should behave? While I am supporting the non-executive I’m totally against Kusol Puagogo’s actions and it makes me ashamed to have to call him a leader.
What he did is not leadership, maybe that is how leaders of west Bellona act but that is not how Renbel leaders act. It shows that his level of thinking is like that of a child.
The non-executive bench is moving to remove the current premier and they should not allow personal differences to spoil their plans and togetherness.
The non-executive should kick Mr Kusol out from their group because his continued presence will spoil everything.
This is the first time in the history for any leader to act like this.
Poor Hon Noapai received three big cuts to his face and plenty other smashed muscles along his body due to the punching and kicking he received.
I rang the police back in Tigoa and they confirmed to me that the incident happened and they are waiting for Hon Noapai to open a police case against Kusol.
Plenty of witnesses were present there and they tell me that Kusol also threatened others who are standing by and watching.
I’m calling on Hon Noapai to not think twice and open a police case against Kusol Puagogo for assault and grievous bodily harm.
Renbel does not need people like this to lead us. If nothing is done against Kusol Puagogo then no point trying to oust Premier Collin Tesuatai.
Norris Teika
Ward 1
East Rennell