The Royal Solomon Islands Police is closely keeping eye on the growing debate and dispute on mining and logging in Rennell.
Deputy Police Commissioner, Juanita Matanga said, a team has been deployed to the island to maintain visibility.
“Their role is not to intervene at their own will; rather working closely with the relevant authorities ensuring whatever disputes of nature is dealt with accordingly.”
She said, land issue is a very sensitive one in traditional societies in the provinces and at times escalates to bigger problems, the very reason police will closely be monitoring the situation and be visible on the ground.
“Police deployed will maintain its presence on Rennell and be facilitating a peaceful avenue to whatever disputes if arises.
“It is important that precautionary measures are taken to prevent anything bigger,” she said.
Ms. Matanga added officers deployed to Rennell have been sent upon reports received and assessment of the situation.
This Police deployment brought heavy critics from a concern Rennellese man.
“Why send police to Rennell to sort an issue that is planned and remotes from Honiara,” he questioned.
“The issue now in Rennell is the end result or the product to unprocedural and unlawful act done by those so called white-collar corruption dealers.
“Chase and investigate those corruptive dealings, the big fishes rather than trying to cover the whole saga with people on Rennell who are only exercising their rights.
“The right to objection and speak for their lands; that have been bypassed and overlooked by some selfish idiot for their own well-being.”