THE increasing numbers of suspected mentally ill patients roaming around and causing trouble in villages and communities in East Kwara’ae has caused fear and raises a deep concern.
This came about following a series of incidents claimed to have been caused by those believed to be mentally or psychiatrically ill.
There have been associated incidents of the recent burning down of several houses and chasing students returning from school and severely injuring a male student in the village of Fausasa in East Kwara’ae.
Speaking to this paper yesterday, chief Tony Barai of Otegwafila community said for so long they have been victimized by the increasing population of mentally ill people roaming and causing problems in their community.
Mr Barai added that similar complaints have also been uttered by those in other villagers in the region.
“There are more and more of our youths being mentally or psychiatrically affected, most of which are results of drug or alcohol abuse.
“They are causing more fear and problems for those living peacefully in our communities.
“Several incidents have already occurred with the recent being the burning down of houses and also the student who was struck with an iron pipe by a mentally ill person,” chief Barai said.
He called on responsible authorities such as the police and also medical staff from the Psychiatric Division at Kilufi hospital to help them address the issue.
“More and more of us have fallen victims to these mentally ill children of us who deserve to be medically treated with their current mental status.
“This should be done before more problems occur in most of our communities in East Kwara’ae,” the chief said.
Director of Malaita health services, Dr Huddie Namo previously informed this paper that the psychiatric ward at Kilufi is not yet opened due to the lack of proper furniture in the wards, after its renovation.
This has resulted in the delay to reopen the ward to help such patients being admitted and treated for their psychiatric disorders.
in Auki