THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are currently advertising internally for officers to fill up positions ranging from Sergeant to Assistant Commissioner within the Force.
“The call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) in the positions started mid-December 2018 and will close on 15 February 2019,” says Deputy Director RSIPF-HR, Inspector Flotilda Sabino.
She says, “The EOIs are to ensure all employees are able to perform to a consistent standard. The standards and criteria have been selected by the organization as those it sees as the most important for employees to have to enable them to apply their skills to any role at that rank which the organization may require them to undertake.”
She explains: “The RSIPF is implementing a merit list comprising of a ranked list of employees who are suitable for promotion.”
“When a vacancy exists the merit list is checked for the next eligible employee to be promoted to that vacancy. Not all employees who are found suitable will be promoted. Promotions only occur when there is a vacancy,” says Inspector Sabino.
Employees who are found suitable for promotion but who are not promoted need to reapply after 18 months as the merit list expires.
Staff of the RSIPF Human Resources Department will be visiting the various departments within the Force and the provinces to explain the process and to answer any questions. Officers are also welcomed to send questions to the HR Department through email: [email protected]