A training related to Mass-Drug-Administration (MDA) against Trachoma and Scabies was recently held in Taro, Choiseul Province.
Both health workers and school leavers participated in the weeklong workshop, a statement from Ministry of Health said.
The statement said, national Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Program is facilitating the provincial trainings for scabies and trachoma MDA.
“The training aimed to equip MDA implementation teams with knowledge and skills to roll out the activity into the communities.
“It will also assist to interrupt transmission of scabies and trachoma as early as possible so that transmission of the infection among members of the community can be controlled and managed,” the statement said.
Mr. Oliver Sokana, Neglected Tropical Disease Manager outlined the training covered both Scabies and Trachoma MDA as an integrated approach.
A total of 9 teams (including 3 mops up teams) have been deployed into the communities in and around Choiseul to implement the MDA and they are about to complete their mission”, said Mr. Sokana.
“Trachoma is set for elimination and scabies for control as clearly stated by the WHO regional NTD roadmap and MDA is one of the public health interventions that will assist the country in achieving this set target.”
Meanwhile, Temotu, Central Islands, Western and Isabel provinces have already completed their MDA while Rennel/Bellona, Guadalcanal, Choiseul and Honiara city is currently ongoing.
The MDA is currently underway for Guadalcanal (health Zones 1, 2 and 6), Choiseul, Honiara City Council and Rennel/Bellona provinces.