THE Solomon Islands 2015 school placement results will be released this coming Friday according to the National Examinations Standards Unit (NESU).
A spokeswoman from NESU office said results for forms one, four and six will be released this Friday.
NESU director when contacted to confirm the time said the results are ready but are still waiting the Minister to sign on before they are released to the media.
Linda Wate said they will let everyone know of the exact date of release when the Minister finishes the signing job.
The information was sought following concerns by some parents with the delay in releasing results.
“We want to know the results because we need to prepare if we know our children will be doing further studies,” one parent said.
The parents told the Auki Star office delaying the results every year always keeps parents in suspense.
“To us, timing is important because quick releasing of result means parents can prepare well ahead of the academic start of a year.
“We cannot prepare things like bedding and other school requirements when we don’t know whether our children will go through or not.”
The parents said this is sometimes an issue that forces people to look to their MPs for quick cash to solve the problem.