THE Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD) has appealed to schools in East Fataleka, Malaita Province not to panic but remain calm.
This follows news that a student who tested positive but later turned negative for COVID-19 spent the holiday in East Fataleka over the festive break.
Deputy Secretary at MEHRD James Bosamata during the talk-back show over the weekend told schools near east Fataleka to remain calm.
“Regarding the incident that happened in Malaita, MEHRD is asking all schools close to that area in East Fataleka not to panic,” he said.
He said it’s important for schools there to listen closely to the direction and advice provided by government authorities and the Oversight Committee.
“To all the teachers, students, parents, and guardians it is very important not to spread rumors, make sure the information you receive has to be a substantive one and ensure not to pass misleading information,” he said.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in his nationwide address on Friday said at this point there is no possible community transmission.
“Let me assure the nation that we do not have any evidence of community transmission of COVID-19 in the Solomon Islands.”
He commended the front liners for swiftly dealing with the situation.
Newsroom, Honiara