AN immense science show was successfully staged last Thursday at the Chung Wah School, attracting a large audience of both teachers and the students of the school – mostly year four to year six students.
The show was conducted by a Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) volunteer and Science Teacher Yusuke Nishiyama and John Kea a Science Lab professor at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU).
Mr Nishiyama is a volunteer, science teacher at the Arnon Atomea community high school, in North Malaita.
During the show, both scientists have displayed a lot of attractive science experiments. This is the first time for such show to be conducted in any school in the country.
In an interview with the Solomon Star, the Japanese lad said he is very happy to stage such show in the country.
“The science show was the first to have staged in the Solomon Islands and I am happy that I made history here. And, it is fun and also great to have John Kea assisting me at the show.
“I really appreciate the fact that there are Solomon Islands teachers being present at the show.
“The reason why I introduced the show is because I want the teachers here to learn from me so that they can make students interested in science. Having said that, I want to see that after I leave for Japan, more teachers will introduce what I have showcased to the students,” Mr Nishiyama said.
He added that, the participating students were so polite and positive to join him in his experiments.
Nishiyama thanked the teachers and students of Chung Wah School for coming out in numbers to be part of the show.
The experiments that were conducted was based on the topics, air gun, boomerang, absorption experiment, pressure of standing on cups, straw whistles, optical illusion, air pressure on cup experiment, hunger balance experiment, changing color liquid, puzzle rings, revolution toys, coke explosion, inertia experiment, making C02 experiment, hand power balloon explosion and bending spoon.
The show also ended with a Music festival by Koji Yamaguchi, a Japanese embassy officer.
Meanwhile, Mr Nishiyama said the science show will be introduced to other schools in the country after its successful inauguration at Chung Wah School.