THE Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) has provided support to two rural training centres of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
A donation of tools, equipment and building materials were donated to the Seventh Day Adventist Education Authority on Friday.
Associate education director Janelle Erick said the two rural training centres that will benefit from the donation are Batuna Rural Training Centre in Marovo, Western Province and Afutara Rural Training Centre in Malaita Province.
Ms Erick thanked the Australian Government through APTC for recognising the contribution of rural training centres in the country.
“Thank you Australian Government through APTC for your generosity and support in lifting the standards of education delivery particularly in our RTC institutions to ensure that quality teaching and learning is happening in our schools.
She also commended the partnership over the past years which had resulted in the ongoing support for RTCs in the country.
“Huge thank you to your support and for the partnership relationship we have made over the years.
“Not only that but also they have made a huge contribution as well in up-skilling our tutors in areas of leadership and governance and also to deliver quality training to students they teach in their specialized skilled areas,” she said.
Most RTCs in the country are being operated by church organizations.