THE search for the nine people who went missing on January 15 between the waters of Western and Choiseul provinces was called off last Thursday.
The missing included five males, two females and two children.
This was confirmed by chief of Purinabangara, Katupika District in South Choiseul chief Rence Zama in an interview last week at Rove, West Honiara.
The major search was conducted by police and the people of South Choiseul.
Only the 23-foot ray boat powered by 40hp engine and other belongings were discovered at Sibau in West Isabel close to Kia.
Zama who is working with the Arnavon Conservation Park for 25 years said the nine were unable to be found alive after all locations in Western and Choiseul provinces have been searched.
“And on Thursday the search was finally called off,” he said.