THE Member of Parliament (MP) for South Guadalcanal and Minister for Rural Development, Rollen Seleso has been elected as the new Honiara Rugby Union Association (HRUA) President.
Minister Seleso’s election follows the successful hosting of the HRUA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and their election congress at the Solomon Islands Rugby Union Federation (SIRUF) conference room on Wednesday.
Minister Seleso therefore will head a five-member executive who were also elected during the HRUA-AGM and election congress.
New HRUA Executive under the presidency of Minister Seleso are Eric Matangi as Vice-President, William Sanga as Secretary, Willy Tuha as Treasurer and Jack Akao and Anthony Saomatangi as ordinary members.
The new executive team will work to promote the development of rugby in the country until the next election in 2028.
Solomon Star, Honiara