An officer of the Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification refutes a claim in the paper yesterday that the former Permanent Secretary (PS) of Mines interferes with divisional work of the Ministry.
The officer who declined to reveal his identity said, those claims are baseless, adding the article was one sided and doesn’t represent the Ministry of Mines.
The officer said, since Mr Kauha become their Permanent Secretary, in mid 2014, he has tried his best to lead and address their challenges.
“Indeed, he realised that this Ministry has been neglected by the government for some times by not having a permanent head to lead this Ministry.
“He not only leads by his regular attendance to work but by initiating frequent meetings for divisional heads, quarterly staff meetings, and initial changes to improve the ministry and the processes for divisions to oversee their programs as expected in their work plans.
“He is very clear of what the government policies are and is supportive to us divisional heads and often offers suggestions for improvement for us.”
The officer said, the article against the former PS only confirms that those who enjoyed corruption over the years are now relief that the only person who did strived for improve processes, improve management and fight against corruption is now terminated.
“It is a common knowledge that during the Rennell Mining saga, the PS is the only one who tried to pull the Mines Division together. The two senior mines officers were divided on who to support.
“Several senior officers of this ministry are currently paid by Mining companies and are connected with gold buyers. This ministry needs a total overhaul and those who have been working for many year have their hands deep into corruption.
“I and other directors of the Ministry fully salute the former PS Jeffrey Kauha for his humbleness and open door policy to all of us. We wish him well and some respect ought to be rendered to him for his effort.”