THE newly launched ‘Stronger Education Together (SET)’ programme will deliver 50 important school infrastructure projects nation-wide over a period of eight years.
Under this scheme it will deliver new and urgently needed education facilities for education institutions.
This was highlighted by the Australian High Commissioner Rod Hilton in his remarks on Wednesday at the signing of the Direct Funding Agreement (AFD) between the Government of Australia and the Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD).
SET is an eight-year programme aimed at improving equitable school access and at enhancing the quality of education across Solomon Islands.
High Commissioner Hilton said for the past 18 months, the Australian High Commission and MEHRD have been having roundtable talks to reflect on and listen to and learn the visions of MEHRD to strengthen the education system.
“We talked about what would work properly to give today’s Solomon Islands students good skills and knowledge to address the challenges of tomorrow.
“What we need to change and how we would like to work together towards a big agenda in the future.”
High Commissioner Hilton said the MEHRD Minister Leokana [in his speech talked] about the pressure from the rapid growth of school aged population and the need for all schools in the provinces to have a safe, healthy and proper learning environment and about how he wanted all teachers to have World Class Training.
He said that this is why Australia is proud to stand with MEHRD to announce this partnership, which will deliver 50 important school infrastructure projects which will deliver new and urgently needed education facilities across every province of Solomon Islands.
“We are also proud to stand with MEHRD and the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) to build a modern teacher laboratory, which will help new teachers to practice and learn skills before they go out to teach in different schools across the country.
“We also listened when you talked about the need for flexible funding.
“This DFA we are signing today will help provide funding on time, remove some problems we have encountered in the past years and support your commitment to make education outcomes strong for everyone,” the Australian High Commissioner said.
High Commissioner Hilton said the DFA shows how the Solomon Islands-Australia partnership is strong and how the two partners can work together to build a bright future for every Solomon Islander through education.
Solomon Star, Honiara