THE owner of the sunken ship, MV J. HARMS, has been caught red-handed by the responsible authorities for environmental pollution in the Noro Lagoon.
Maritime Authority Solomon Islands (SIMA) and the Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Disaster Management have sent officers to assess the sunken ship.
The team, which comprised two officers from SIMA and one Environment Division Officer from MECDM, was deployed to Noro on Tuesday to do environmental and pollution assessment.
The officers have sent back information to their authorities based on their assessments.
SIMA Director, Thierry Nervale said it is the responsibility of the shipowner to abide by maritime laws.
“I would like to just pass the message again that this case is the entire responsibility of the ship owner who must maintain and operate his vessel as required by applicable laws.
“He is also responsible for the pollution and its consequences and to remove any pollutant presenting a danger to the environment from what is now a wreck and remove the wreckage.
“He has been notified of this on the first day we have been informed of the sinking of MV J. HARMS,” he said.
MV J. HARMS has been providing shipping services until it sunk on Monday in the Noro Lagoon.
Solomon Star, Honiara