Dear Editor – The above theme and strand is a summation of a dream I was told by a simple woman. I was amazingly told of a dream by a woman (name will be anonymous) who candidly saw a pictorial graphic image of short limbs (hands) that is deprived of the power to reach forward, even though there is a good intension, and a number of broken and shattered baskets from its basement that don’t have the capacity to contain or clench. By national educational standard she was unschooled, but she was very optimistic, composed and poised about the essence of life.
In trying to gauge and grumble with what the narration of what the dream is all about, it was instructively told to her by intuition in the encounter, that the dream in generic represents the current present financial and economic status of Solomon Islands.
She expressively explain that the short limb implies that we have a current incumbent financial operational system that is void of power and dynamism to tangibly and physically extend and reconfigure the core and the plight of the people on the ground and the rural peripheries, and this is due to the fact that our economic and financial national baskets is broken from the basement and do have multiple holes that are massively huge that is causing a national financial haemorrhage.
She further added that the roll on of major national projects will be very slow and to some extend halted because of this national impediment. She added that citizens all through the country are weary of such depressive situation and are accumulating deep resentment and anger. She emphatically stated that this is made so, by those who are discretionally positioned and are authorized with certain proportional powers to act on behave of the people. In the final closing scene of her dream, she was told that 2018/2019 national political election will bring massive change within the political landscape of this country, to His glory.
I was amazed and humbled to gather it from a simple Solomon Island woman who literally have no idea of government, governance and socio-political economics in any form or shape. I fully admire, that all her interpretation are sound and accurate. I guess, in a swift pace, the dream is fulfilled in the rumours we hear and is reflective of all the happenstance we are now experiencing with our national treasury basket, being scares of funds literally.
You have this dream to reject or to contemplate over as a metaphor and to apply your creative sound mind, I am just narrating this simple to offer this woman’s dream space and placement within the square of our national conversation and the imperative in allowing our cognitive application to wrestle this out for ourselves and given the hard evidence that is unfolding on the ground.
Indeed the quest to establish a reach advantage for our people throughout the country is hindered because we have short limbs and that our treasury basket is haemorrhaging copiously at the given pace we cannot arrest, until our leaders put off their inward self-gratifying personal aspirations that they justify and brand as “peoples wish”.
I congratulate the effort made so far, I hope our current government, the opposition and independence group goes a little further from merely discussing corruption strategic roadmap to initiating and tabling the appropriate anticorruption bill, whistle blowers bill and the revamping the leadership code commission Act with more asserted standalone powers to execute.
I am encouraging all our leaders to be daring and be judicial about the long wish of the people and the nationwide sentiment these issues are emitting and eroding within the core fabric of our society. The nation are listening with curiosity and intensity to capture, evoke and elicit from those of our representative leaders as to whom among them are “for and those that are against” in all these above undertaking and pursuit, once it is being tabled in the round house.
Let the mountains and the coastal lands of this great nation sing a new song of celebration because our leaders are bold to sanction that ultimate change, that are currently within their legislative powers to authorized.
Our people are calling upon our leaders to apply the minimum common sense and be internally constituted in the decisions they are making for peoples shake.
My stout support for change.
Geoffrey Alacky
Team Leader
Global Youth Leadership Nexus (GYLN)