MORE than 80 Adventist Youths from Solomon Islands successfully attended a weeklong youth congress in Apia, Samoa.
The congress organized by the Trans Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church is hosted by Samoan Mission.
The opening ceremony was held last week and concluded over the weekend.
The theme for the event was: ‘I Will Go With God – Shape the World.’
Hundreds of Adventist Youths from around ten Pacific Island countries including Australia and New Zealand attended the program.
The Solomon Islands delegation is led by Solomon Islands Mission (SIMI) Youth Director Pr Steve Aquila.
“The total number of Solomon Island youths plus youth leaders and the Youth Director Pr Steve Aquila is around 82,” a statement from the SIM Office confirmed.

Pr Linray Tutuo representing the TPU Office said, about 1171 youths participated at the congress.
“The total registration is 1071 youths from our Union, Samoa, American Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Niue, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Tonga and New Castle Samoan Youth Church.
“We have our General Conference (GC) Associate Youth Director Dr. Pako Edson Mokgwane, and Dr Sven from the South Pacific Division (SPD) Ministry and Strategy Director,” he said.
The event is being hosted at the National University of Samoa Campus in Apia.
Most of the youths are accommodated at the university’s hostel for the duration of the congress.

The colorful welcome ceremony was held at the university theatre.
Reports reaching the paper said, Solomon Islands youths were the first to arrive in Apia early December.
The first group arrived in Apia on 7the December, two weeks before the program.
Due to tight flight schedules, the youths traveled in separate flights.

During the registration on Sunday 22nd December, Solomon Islands youths were the first to sign up, and received their packs.
The official opening of the TPUM Youth Congress was described as a blessing.
It was revealed that youths from 11 nations gathered in faith and unity, marking the beginning of a powerful journey.
The evening featured the inspiring “Walk of Faith,” where each country’s representatives shared their commitment, along with uplifting songs from the praise team and impactful speeches.

The presence of distinguished guests, presenters, youth leaders, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Samoa added to the significance of the opening ceremony.
The President of TPUM Pastor Maveni Kaufononga responded to the speech by Deputy PM.
A highlight of the evening was a sermon by Dr. Pako Edson Mokgwane, the World Associate Youth Director, who delivered a powerful message based on the theme.
He encouraged the youths to “Be Original” and stay true to themselves as they seek to make a difference in the world.
The Samoan youth also presented a dramatic performance reenacting the biblical story of Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

The story focused on their refusal to eat the king’s rich food, instead choosing a simple diet of vegetables and water as a test of their faith.
This powerful drama illustrated the strength of their convictions and their commitment to honouring God, even in challenging circumstances.
Throughout the past week, the youths were able to hear powerful messages of encouragement from the speakers each morning and evening.
There were sessions, talks and awareness throughout the day to empower the youths to be witnesses for Christ.
Not only that but to prepare them for next year and face the future while waiting for Christ soon return.
A baptism ceremony was also held over the weekend on Sabbath.

Late last week the youths also conducted a parade through Apia.
The congress came to a colourful closing much to the sadness of everyone who will be departing for their countries starting this week.
The last TPUM Youth Congress in Samoa was held in 1993.
After all these years, Samoa is once again hosting this incredible event, and the crowd praised the Lord for this blessed opportunity.
The first lot of Solomon Islands delegates will arrive back this weekend.