Solomon Islands Bar Association (SIBA) has urged the national government to commit to the financial independence of the Judiciary to ensure faster and more vibrant delivery of justice.
President of SIBA Lazarus Kwaiga made this call on behalf of SIBA and its members at the opening of the 2023 Legal Year on Tuesday 24th, January.
“Apart from the matters raised so far, SIBA and its members also call upon the SIG to fully commit to the financial independence of the Judiciary as a way forward to a faster and more vibrant delivery of justice,” he said.
“The judiciary which covers all Courts of the Land from the Court of Appeal down to the Local Courts, have over the years faced lack of funds that have caused cases to be delayed unreasonably leaving Judicial Officers, Practitioners, Litigants and Court Users frustrated,” Mr Kwaiga added.
He further added that SIBA wishes to highlight that the Judiciary is and has always been a cornerstone of our democracy and in fulfilment of its role to protect and safe guard the freedom and rights of all Solomon Islanders by impartially interpreting and applying the rule of law without pressure and thus the financial independence of the Judiciary is pivotal in such an aspect.
Solomon Star, Newsroom