THE Solomon Islands Council of Trade Unions (SICTU) has urged Minister of Public Service to act swiftly in presenting the new Public Service Bill to Parliament by this year.
SICTU represents a coalition of public service unions and associations, including the Solomon Islands Public Employees Union (SIPEU), the Solomon Islands Teachers Association (SINTA), the Solomon Islands Medical Association (SIMA), the Solomon Islands Nursing Association (SINA), the Solomon Islands Allied Health Association (SIAHA), the Police Officers Association (POA) and workers union Solomon Islands, WUSI.
SICTU said the current scheme of service governing public servants is outdated, ineffective and therefore is no longer fit for purpose.
“This archaic framework has led to widespread demoralisation, declining productivity, and inefficiency across the public service sector. Public servants, including teachers, nurses, police officers, and correctional services personnel, are expected to deliver quality services despite a system that fails to recognise their efforts, neglects their well-being, and offers no clear career progression pathways. This is unacceptable and unsustainable.
“The delay in introducing the new Public Service Bill not only breaks the government’s promise to public servants but also undermines national development. A motivated, efficient, and well-supported public service is essential for achieving the Solomon Islands’ development goals and delivering critical services to its citizens. The current system has eroded trust, stifled progress, and created a public service that struggles to meet the needs of the nation,” SICTU said.
SICTU therefore urged the Minister of Public Service to prioritise this critical issue and take immediate action to table the new Public Service Bill in Parliament.
It said Public Servants and the people of the Solomon Islands deserve a modernised, equitable and efficient public service framework that recognises and rewards the hard work of public servants, provides clear career progression and professional development opportunities, ensures fair working conditions and prioritises employee well-being and aligns with the nation’s development aspirations and enhances service delivery.
“The time to act is now. Further delays are unacceptable and will only deepen the challenges facing the public service sector. SICTU stands ready to collaborate with the government to ensure the successful implementation of a new public service framework that empowers workers, improves service delivery, and drives national progress,” SICTU said.