YEAR two students studying environmental science at the School of Natural Resources and Applied Science (SNRAS), Solomon Island National University (SINU) yesterday got the opportunity to learn about waste management and other environmental challenges.
The students were on a look and learn visit to the newly completed training centre at Ranadi dumpsite, East Honiara.
During the excursion the students learn about the waste management method put in place by Honiara City Council Authority and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The Ranadi dumpsite office administers the dumpsite, the dumping of rubbish, control of pollution, smell, flies and giving information to the general public.
Students expressed that it was a successful trip because it helps them understand environmental issues they have studied.
The visit also links them to understand the challenges and success of implementing the Honiara city council by-laws or the ordinance.
The students were led by their part-time lecturer Albert Chris Kwatelae. The trip was part of their course for this semester; Environmental Legislations and Policy Studies of Solomon Islands.
Speaking to the Solomon Star yesterday Mr Kwatelae said, the students have studied various environmental legislations such as the environment Act 1998 which focus on pollution control and developments consents, and link to other policy frameworks and ordinance currently uphold by the National Government authorities and Provincial Governments.
He said, they were also party to other regional and international frameworks, which focused on environment, biodiversity and sustainable development.
“The students learn that partnership is very important in our country to combat environmental challenges we face in the country. To name some are pollution, climate change and resource depletion.”
He added, the learning centre gives students new platforms of learning about related environmental issues especially waste managements and control of pollution from land-based activities down into the sea.
“Also the learning centre indicates and reflects true long term relationship of the Solomon Islands Government through City Council Authority and JICA-under funded programs,” Mr Kwatelae said.
The students thanked Joe Kelesi, HCC site manager and coordinator who assisted the students during the excursion.