The stand-off between Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and lecturers association of SINU (LASINU) has finally reached a resolution.
Semester two classes supposed to resume last week but was delayed due to the stand-off, except for school of nursing and school of natural resources and applied science have started.
SINU’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic, Dr Patricia Rodie confirmed reaching to an understanding with the lecturers association over the issues raised during a meeting on Wednesday.
“SINU’s management had met with LASINU and have agreed on common terms the issues raised,” she said.
She explained the issues raised are formal pace of transition of the institution from SICHE to SINU in terms of setting a standard minimum qualification requirement for its staffs and lecturers when recruited.
“This covers the salary structure to which it has been discussed and thoroughly explained to them during the meeting.”
Dr Rodie said the matter has already been endorsed by SINU’s council at the first place however the management sees it fit to tidy up everything else before proceeding on as planned.
However status of all lecturers’ contract is different thus gives more needed time to consider their salaries basing on the set standard criterias.
Not satisfied with the slow process, LASINU acted on withholding students’ semester one results then, she explained.
“What concerns the management is the withholding of students semester one results without formal notification.
“This has been discussed through consultation and LASINU members have been reminded to be mindful of whatever undertakings on such cases in the near future which may lead to legal implications.”
Dr Rodie added assuring students that semester one results would be released soon and classes should resume soon as everything has been finalized.
“We understand the need for semester one results be released to parents and sponsors as call for by students.
“Unfortunate for the delay, as soon as the academic board meets over the results and gives its final blessing then students should get their results by then.
“But lecturers will sure be resume for the second semester soon although the process may take some time,” explained Dr Rodie.
By Bradford Theonomi