DISGRUNTLED students of the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) again came out fighting on a response to their call on Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) and their Chief Executive Officer, Ruth Liloqula and their position on the controversial SINU Saga.
The students told this paper yesterday that the response from TSI on the SINU Saga and the concern was very shallow and is like an institution that is not realizing its responsibility as a corruption watchdog.
A spokesperson for the students, Errol Maki said their point in calling on the TSI as an anti-corruption to make a statement on the SINU Saga was a mere call to ascertain the position of Ruth Liloqula as the CEO of TSI and as a Member of the SINU Council.
“This is important because since the SINU Saga was published in the media, TSI as a corruption watch dog has been very silent on the matter.
“To mention that the matter of SINU is before the Court is another part of the issue. But to make comments on bad practices and make advices in the public towards something that is detrimental to our country and is bad for us to practice must be ongoing,” Mr Maki said.
Therefore, our point is when the SINU Saga came up, TSI has never made any constructive comment or suggestion about the practice of corruption that is going on in the university, they added.
They said while they appreciate that the issue is before the courts, it does not stop TSI from raising concerns or to express their views on the issue.
Maki said, TSI have a lot of ways to talk or publish issues to the public based on any issue of public interests, in this case the SINU Saga.
In the case of Ms Liloqula being a member of the SINU Council, they students said as someone within the SINU Council, she has a responsibility to the public.
“While she is part of the Council and someone that seats and discuss issues of the SINU, to the public see is the boss of TSI.
“And so for us students, when we heard that she’s part of the council, we were very excited as see will be our voice or the people’s voice to make issues heard. We are expecting Ms Liloqula, with her expertise with the TSI will help publish issues of corruption within SINU,” they added.
The disgruntled students said they have seen and have been affected by some of the corruption issues being committed by the University heads for the passing years.
“We have no doubts that she has been hearing stories and concerns raised when with the council. We know that she knew those that have been involving in the corruption that’s happening at SINU – stories that anyone that’s in his right state of mind will not be very happy about.
“Therefore, it is time for TSI to act,” Maki, who spoke on behalf of the students said.
They also went on to state that their expectation is that if Ms Liloqula and TSI have known all about the corrupt activities, as a responsible leader and council member, she should have made her private conclusion on this matters.
Meanwhile they said while waiting to have the issue heard in Court, they would like to hear the views of TSI on the SINU Saga.