OPPOSITION leader Matthew Wale calls on SINU (Solomon Islands National University) to review the decision to delay the resumption of classes to 3rd August 2020.
This call came after it was announced that SINU will resume classes on 3rd August 2020.
“There are no reasonable grounds to delay the resumption of classes at SINU,” Wale said.
“Classes ought to be resumed soon to allow for the proper completion of both semesters 1 and 2,” he added.
“The country has no positive COVID-19 cases, the country’s borders have been closed and the government has taken important steps to prepare the country for any cases.
“The delayed resumption of classes at SINU is unreasonable.
“I call on SINU to review its decision and bring the resumption of classes to a date no later than the end of May 2020.
“Further, SINU has not taken steps to prepare itself to offer courses online and it is unfair on students that an unreasonable delay has been placed on the resumption of classes.”
Wale said countries that have positive cases of COVID-19 are reopening their economies and institutions.
“Solomon Island does not have any positive case but we have partially closed the economy and educational institutions.
“The government must now take steps to redress these initial responses in our preparedness plans further.”