CARETAKER Prime Minister’s Party has announced their group will contest twenty constituencies in the upcoming general elections.
Called the Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement (SIPRA), Party leader Gordon Darcy Lilo said he was proud to make the announcement.
He said SIPRA will contest the following constituencies;
Central Kwara’ae, Central Honiara, North New Georgia, South Guadalcanal, East Guadalcanal, East-Central Guadalcanal, East Honiara,Marovo,North Vella Lavella,Aoke Langa Langa,Temotu Pele,Lau Baelelea,Gao Bugotu,East Kwaio,Ranonga/Simbo,South Vella Lavella,West New Georgia,South New Georgia and Rendova Tetepari, Small Malaita, Shortlands and Gizo/Kolombangara constituencies.
Lilo said because of this, SIPRA has recognised the need to work together with other political parties.
He said SIPRA is most grateful to other political parties and looks forward to working with the civil societies, churches, interest groups, provincial governments, communities and traditional leaders.
“This partnership will strengthen the leadership of the government to fulfil the wish of both the government and the people.”