THE Solomon Islands Scouts Association (SISA) are continuing to promote dialogue for peace.
That was according to SISA Chief Commissioner Joe Billy Oge when delivering his speech at the commemoration of the International Education Day in Honiara last Friday.
“Learning about different culture[s], traditions and peace is in our common interest.
“Dialogue is a transformative tool that helps build understanding and alleviates all forms of conflict.
“From every day disagreements to cultural differences, by exchanging views, knowledge and perceptions, we can better understand each other,” he said.
Mr Oge underscored that in 2015-2018, his association partnered with the Ministry of Education & Human Resource Development (MEHRD) and the Ministry of Traditional Government, Peace & Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA) with the support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to deliver 100 national flags to schools in Malaita, Guadalcanal and Honiara and introduce national consciousness by conducting peace education awareness and reconstruction of flag poles in schools to allow flag-raising ceremonies each morning.

This was made possible by an Ambrose Malefoasi and the current City Clerk Justice Denni who was then the PS for MTGPEA.
Mr Oge added that the sentiment of reuniting Solomon Islanders was echoed at the highest level by figures such as the Governor General and the Prime Minister.
He further added that peace cannot be achieved in any other way than through God.
Solomon Star, Honiara