As part of the ongoing courtesy meetings with stakeholders, Solomon Islands Tourism Industry Council (SITIC) on Tuesday met with Josefa Tuamoto, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Solomon Islands Visitor’s Bureau (SIVB).
Mr Belani Tekulu SITIC president said meeting with SIVB CEO is very fruitful and the two (SITIC, SIVB) pledge support for each other.
The SITIC president also appreciated the presence of Josefa Tuamoto, CEO of SIVB, as he believe that Solomon Islands can learn a lot from Fiji tourism and the two pledge to work together to improve tourism in Solomon Islands particularly in the area of the function of the council.
SITIC president believes the CEO of SIVB is well equipped with council’s functions, roles and responsibility to work with the government, tourism operators in tourism sector.
The two agreed that anything is possible if spirit of team work exist between them.
The CEO of SIVB expressed his support to SITIC, he believes that SITIC can play major role coordinating stakeholders in the tourism sector.
The SIVB CEO expressed to SITIC president that in Fiji similar organisation as SITIC is so powerful that can even do product inventory to support to responsibility authority to market its product.
SITIC president is very happy that this is what he desire that this is what SITIC’s future is all about.
“A body that is influential in decision making in the government and other stakeholder in tourism sector” he said.
SITIC president and SIVB CEO pledge to support each other as they believe they co-exist to support each other.
A report with recommendations for the stakeholders that SITIC met with will be compiled and send to them soon.
SITIC’s vision is to provide members, associates and affiliation members with the platform to contribute and benefit from activities design in liaison with the related leisure, travel, tourism and hospitality industries in the Solomon Islands.
By SITIC media