A total of six new volunteers under Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have already arrived in the country to do voluntary jobs around the country.
They consists of three males and three females who spend around two years in the field of expertise and work assignments.
Most of them will be based in the three provincial capitals in Auki, Buala and Gizo.
They will be working under different fields such as; bio-technology, nursing, medical technicians, mathematics in education and physical therapy and also welfare for persons with disability.
When asked how they feel and what their first impression when they first arrived here, one of them Kazuki Yanagida said its the first time for all them so they were very happy to be here in the Solomons.
When they arrived on the 11th of this month they were very surprised to experience the hot weather in Honiara which is completely different to Japan.
However Mr Yanagida said they are happy to be here and pleased with their host and how they treated them.
“Solomon Islands people are very kind and friendly.”
Mr Yanagida said they are very delightful to come and work in Solomon Islands because they want to contribute in promoting the relationship between Japan and Solomon Islands.
He said, most of them are looking forward to making good relationship with the people and especially in schools, villages and communities.
“As a mathematics teacher, I was requested by the Solomon Islands Government to come and work as a lecturer at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Panatina campus.
He is excited to meet the staff and students of SINU when lectures start in a week.
“I can wait to share my knowledge with the students when lectures start.”
He said, he looks forward to helping the students understand maths step by step through their education journey this year.