SIX provinces will conduct their Provincial Election next month.
The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional strengthening (MPGIS) has confirmed Wednesday 10th December 2014 as their Provincial Elections Day.
The six (6) provinces are Central, Isabel, Guadalcanal, Malaita, Renbel, and Temotu.
Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Provincial Government and Intuitional Strengthening (MPGIS) Nancy Legua announced that the provincial Elections is scheduled for early December 2014 as stipulated in 9 of the Provincial government Act 1997,“ being the fourth anniversary of the previous provincial election”.
Director of Provincial Governance Robert Kaua in an interview said nomination has now opened and registration forms can now be collected.
Mr Robert explained, due to the National General Election schedule, the Provincial Election is moved to 10 December 2014.
He said, this is to allow time for interested candidates to run for both the National Parliament and later the Provincial Assembly.
“Whoever wins a seat in National Parliament may withdraw their nomination or continue on for the Provincial Elections. The legal timeframe is opened for any candidates.”
Kaua said, the nomination for candidates wishing to contest the provincial elections has opened as of yesterday.
This will be followed by a 35 days count down to the Election Day on 10th December.
“Nomination of candidates to contest the Provincial Elections must be recieved by 4pm on 12 November 2014 before the last day for the withdrawal of nominations on 26 November 2014.”
Mr Kaua said any person wishing to contest the Provincial Elections must be a citizen of Solomon Islands, over 21 years of age and is registered to vote in that province where he/she comes from.
Retuning Officers for the Provincial Elections for six provinces are Mr Gabriel Agutuzepo (Central), Charles Sisimia (Guadalcanal), John Mark Lokumana (Isabel), Thomas Puahanikeni (Malaita), Adrian Tuhanuku (Renbel), Luke Paul Taula (Temotu).