THE 2.5 million Japan-funded Ado Rural Farmers Association Mini Hydro project in Falake Village, West Kwara’ae, Malaita Province, is progressing smoothly.
Funding for the project was provided by the Japanese Government in 2023 under the Grassroots and Human Security Project.
Photos and videos show enthusiastic support from community members who are actively contributing to the construction of the hydro facility in Falake.
As the project advances, many residents have expressed their support for the initiative in recognition of the benefits it will bring for the local population upon completion.
A local Fredrick Sukulu voiced his optimism about the project.

“This is a positive step forward for Falake. I hope that soon all the surrounding communities will also benefit from this vital development.”
In an update shared on Facebook, Ado Rural Farmers Association Chairman Pius Itea highlighted the active participation of both men and women from the community in the construction work.
Mr Itea expressed gratitude to Peter Lynch of Pelena Energy, a company specialising in sustainable and renewable energy, for his valuable support and involvement in the hydro project.
Construction is now focused on the building of the Turbine House, which marks a significant milestone in the project’s progress.
Solomon Star, Auki